Our translators have translated many important, voluminous texts:
- ”Project of technical assistance of Klaipėda port security” /E-L/;
- ”eLogmar –M. Internet and mobile solutions of collective work environment, intended for application at logistics and maritime sector” /E-L/.
- “Offer. European Parliament and Council directives on opportunities for using port service market.” /E-L/.
- Instructions of equipment and mechanisms received by JSC “,Foodtec”/D-L; E-L/
- Informational-cognitive translation of Neringa terminal supported by Phare programme /L-R, D, E, Fr/;
- Translations of phyto-therapeutic pharmaceuticals, medical equipment instructions and documentation of dispensary “Life without medicines” /R-L/;
- Translations of websites (JSC “Eurohaus”, JSC “Perimetras”, JSC “Klaipėdos administratorių biuras”, JSC “Foodtec”, JSC “Lamberta”, JSC “Klaifena” and many others) /L-E, D, R, Fr/;
- Translation of book “Lithuanian blacksmiths”, 2008 /L-A/ and many others.
Interpretation (consecutive and simultaneous interpreting):
- Conference organized by Klaipeda University “Integration of disabled children to society” (supported by European Union fund) (year 2007);
- Presidium meeting organized by the Committee of the European Union “Ecology of the Baltic Sea” (participated Baltic Sea States Community) at “Baltpark” hotel (year 2007);
- Press conference of Latvian and Lithuanian ministers of foreign affairs at “Auska” hotel in Palanga (year 2007);
- International smithery plain-air “Four winds” (in Klaipeda city Museum of Castle, on May 18-20, year 2007.)
- Project of EU “Friendly neighbourhood”2007/138-267 ,,Development of frontier bicycle route by the old post canal on the Curonian Spit EUROVELO-BALTIKA“ (July 10-11, year 2007)
- Conference “Perspectives of cultural tourism in the Western Lithuania” in Neringa (29-11-2007);
- At a printing house of JSC “Klaipėdos laikraščio redakcija” during technological training (January, 2008);
- During informal meeting on new JSC “Gridins Enterprise” business development opportunities in Austria (January, 2008).
- International smithery plain-air (May 30-31, 2008)
- Press conference in Palanga during 1000 km Omnitel race (18-07-2008)
- During GLACONCHEMIE GMBH business negotiations;
- During simultaneous business conversations of JSC “BEKU”;
Presentations –
- JSC “Gotardas” activity presentation at Palanga hotel (29-05-2007);